Nora Noh - First South Korean Fashion Designer - South Korea's Fashion Doyenne
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Harper's Bazaar Korea teamed enjoyed a delicious lunch with Nora Noh, Korea's first fashion designer, who still makes dress patterns for seven hours everyday.
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Follow the trials and tribulations of Nora Noh, who overcame the toughest barriers and shattered the glass ceiling as she became Korea's first fashion designer and making clothing for modern women...
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Cho Duck Hyun's art installation, "The Nora Collection" uses Nora Noh as his muse.
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Vogue Korea article featuring vintage Nora Noh clothes, designs, and trends.
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패션 대모 노라노 꺼지지 않는 불꽃 (Fashion Godmother, Nora Noh, the Neverending Fireworks)
노라노의 콘셉트는 절제된 멋 (Nora Noh's concept is understated fashion)
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