패션 대모 노라노 꺼지지 않는 불꽃 (Fashion Godmother, Nora Noh, the Neverending Fireworks)
노라노의 콘셉트는 절제된 멋 (Nora Noh's concept is understated fashion)
To read the full article, please click here: http://woman.donga.com/3/all/12/146365/1

Nora Noh (seated) with Creative Director, Kumra Chung.

Nora Noh with her designs at the La Vie En Exhibition.
Nora Noh in front of her Documentary, 노라노 - Nora Noh.
Nora Noh in front of her Documentary, 노라노 - Nora Noh.

Nora Noh and Creative Director, Kumra Chung, discussing patterns, fabric selection for the upcoming design.

Cover photo: Model wearing Nora Noh Lace Dress